Our Goat's Milk
A Nutritious Beverage That Drives Just About
Everything Around Here
Deep in the Saanen valley, local Swiss villagers were able to spot scattered white specks. Approaching these white creatures, they discovered goats. They were not just ordinary goats because they produced delicious milk. Many centuries later, these Saanen goats have found a home in Aman Dusun. Visit the Saanen goats and taste the Saanen Valley's secret in Aman Dusun.
Producing our goat's milk requires the intertwining of many processes. We try to provide our Saanen goats with nutritious crops whilst taking care of their hygiene; this ensures that our milk can benefit our customers' health. Those two key processes, however, are just a few of much more. We, through our hard work and time, are happy to share this gift with you.
You can see how our goat's milk is made and buy it in Aman Dusun. Feel free to call the owner to have them delivered to you. You can also find our goat's milk, in many Health Lane Pharmacy outlets in Kuala Lumpur.

Where can you buy our goat's milk?
Goat's Milk:
1. Aman Dusun Farm
2. Prince Court Medical Center: The Tarik Café
3. Gleneagles Medical Center: Lobby Area
Or you can order directly by Whatsapp-ing 0123950503. RM 10.00/ 250ml per bottle. Minimum order is 30 bottles. Delivered to the Klang Valley only, delivery charge RM 25.00.