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Dusun Dua: Then and Now

Aman Dusun may be older, but there is no denying that Dusun Dua has a neglected history. Dusun Dua consists of a goat farm, multiple crop fields, two ponds, and scattered durian trees. It used to house a blooming meat business: Boer goat's meat. Some argue that Dusun Dua, during its peak seasons, could've matched what Aman Dusun is today. More than just a farm, Dusun Dua was also a farm retreat; it was the owners' way of de-stressing. The owner's family would always go there before returning to Aman Dusun. Investing most of their time in Dusun Dua, the family developed an emotional connection with it. This fantasy, unbeknownst to them, won't last long.

The meat business, thanks to various traditions and weather, was successful throughout the whole year; over the years, business became scarce even during Korban Aqiqah (Muslim tradition). We were not too sure what contributed to the loss in sales, but the meat business's loss was affecting the rise of Aman Dusun. It's quite a coincidence that Aman Dusun prospered when Dusun Dua was failing. As the family started to bring Aman Dusun up, Dusun Dua began to lose some of its important features. One of the two goat farms in Dusun Dua was demolished, and its parts stored. All the memories of our first goat farm were stored away, and it was depressing not to see it anymore. The farm was about ten years old.

Dusun Dua's second farm houses about fifty goats: mostly boers. Dusun Dua's second farm resides diagonally across from what used to be the first. The second farm was kept solely because the owner still had hope in his meat business. It's evidence of what was once a blooming meat business, and the memories that were once part of the first farm.

Putting all the sentiments aside, the Aman Dusun farmers had to figure out what to do with the barren land (the first farm's land). Many ideas have been brought up, and most of them have been discarded. The owner has had a vision that one day the barren land will be turned into a brunch restaurant. Hoping to bring Dusun Dua back to its glory days, the owner begins to change many things in Dusun Dua. It was once a great place to relax and work rigorously; it won't be long until Dusun Dua returns in style.

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